Hi, I’m Monique Conley, the owner of Healthy Vending Vibes that’s a minority owned business. I am a lifelong resident of Grand Prairie, TX and an ardent advocate of healthy vending. My mother Laverne Showers and sister Jade Hendley, are co-owners of Healthy Vending Vibes and lifelong residents of Orlando, FL. Both are advocates of healthy vending and healthy choices.
You’ve all seen the stats on increasing rates of childhood and adult obesity rates. The good news is that change is coming. Schools are providing more nutritious meals and more and more businesses are looking at healthy vending as an addition to their Corporate Wellness Program. This is where I come in.
At Healthy Vending Vibes, we bring a healthy vending option to businesses and facilities in Grand Prairie and Orlando. We can place our healthy vending machine next to traditional snack and drink machines or we can replace the junk food machines with our healthier option.
Our vending machines are new state of the art machines where they not only accept cash but also accept credit cards. Our machines are also smart machines where they alert us in advance when a particular food item or drink is going low so we can restock the machines before the last item is sold so no more worrying about empty shelves/rows. Our machines are advanced enough where we can offer specials to customers such as buy one get one free, two for one deals, discounted prices all from the click of a button.
If you are interested in receiving more information or you would like me to visit your facility, please fill out the information on the Contact Us page or call me directly at 407-810-4419.
Monique Conley (Owner)
Jade Hendley and Laverne Showers (Co-owners)
© Copyright 2024 Healthy Vending Vibes, All rights reserved.